5 Reasons Why You Should Cross-Train Your Team

training & educational resources Nov 17, 2021
two team members working in a doctor's office

A well-trained team is essential when it comes to offering elective services in your practice. Staff knowledge of the product, treatment processes and results helps connect on a more personal level with patients who are considering those procedures. Especially when it comes to popular aesthetic and therapeutic injectable treatments like botulinum toxin.

Here are five reasons why every practice offering injectables treatments needs to cross-train its team as soon as than plan to integrate the service in their clinic:

  1. Patient Education:
    Whether a patient is calling the office to make an initial inquiry or there’s already a patient seated in the operatory who has questions, you want every team member to communicate accurate, positive information regarding your services and treatments. Confusion or lack of training can deter prospective patients, especially if they’re just beginning the investigative phase. You’ve invested in your training, now you need a qualified team to support you.
  2. Improved Procedure Efficiency:
    Cross-training between the front and back office staff improves treatment flow, scheduling and chair time with each patient. Production is directly impacted. When each team member is capable of procedure set-up, syringe loading, and photography, the doctor and other team members won’t be tied down completing these simple tasks. Especially when it comes to before-and-after photography, the right training is essential for case acceptance and positive client feedback.
  3. Real-Life Advertising:
    Your trained team will serve as walking billboards for your future patients. Trained team members usually enjoy no-cost services as long as they’re happy to share the before-and after-images within your practice. When they discuss their experience with new patients, it creates a personal and more trustworthy connection between the client and the practitioner providing the service. 
  4. Consistency and Engagement:
    You need every team member to be on the same page. Especially when it comes to elective aesthetic treatment. Consistent communications throughout your practice will prevent misinformation or confusion on the part of the patient. In turn, you’ll typically see a boost in production when each of the team members has completed the same training as a collective group. Your team is responsible for answering questions, presenting care plans, billing and more. So, when you’re adding injectables and other aesthetic services like botulinum toxin to your practice, it’s vital that everyone is educated and on the same page.
  5. Prevent Common Billing and Insurance Mistakes:
    Avoid confusion and billing frustration on the part of your patients and staff by having team members trained in claims submission processes for therapeutic injectables. When your team understands how to properly bill patients, it’s easier to ensure client satisfaction and case acceptance.

Botox & Injectables Training for Your Team

PTIFAT offers both online and in-person team training for business and clinical integration for Botox, injectables and other facial rejuvenation treatments. When you register your entire team, you’re investing in successful integration of this elective service in your practice. Everyone will be on the same page and have the resources they need to communicate the advantages of injectables to your clients. It’s a win-win for both patient care as well as your practice production.

Register your team today!


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