Level 1 – Advanced Anatomy Review & Intro to Botulinum Toxin & Dermal Filler


Interested in adding botulinum toxin and dermal fillers to your practice?

Start learning today with the online Level 1 course. Learn from Dr. Warren Roberts, world renowned injector and top CE Leader, on how you can successfully begin integrating injectables into your practice.

Fees & Requirements

  • Level 1 online is $1,779.75 (GST Included).
  • There are no pre-requisites to take Level 1.
  • All funds are in Canadian Dollars. Please review our Registration Policy before registering.



Level 1 – Advanced Anatomy Review & Intro to Botulinum Toxin & Dermal Filler


Alberta Dentist - Level 1 Information. 


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Course Overview

This online course provides the foundational anatomy for both therapeutic and aesthetic applications of injectables. Level 1 includes 25+ hours of advanced anatomy learning, including an online e-Cadaver and e-Skull lab. It begins with an in-depth review of head and neck anatomy and the relevance to administration of botulinum toxin, dermal fillers and other therapies. You will learn how to examine a patient and arrive at a differential diagnosis. Crucial photography, record keeping and office integration are also covered in detail.
This course is available with subtitles in English, French and Spanish.


Level 1 includes the following six sections:


Learn how to arrive at the proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Botulinum toxin (aka Dysport®/Botox®) is often the first procedure of choice in many facial rejuvenation treatments. However, to ensure ideal treatment results the practitioner must also have knowledge and understanding of how diode lasers, intense pulsed light, fractional lasers, microdermabrasion, dermal fillers and other treatments can be used to treat various conditions. Develop a broad understanding of current popular therapies so that you can assess your patient’s needs and desires, document pre-treatment conditions and properly select the appropriate treatment and treatment sequence.



Botulinum toxin type A (aka Dysport®/Botox®) acts on the terminal nerve axon ending, preventing the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACH) and chemically blocking transmission at the synapse. Developing a detailed understanding of the anatomy of the muscles of the face and neck enables practitioners to select the muscle, or group of muscles, to relax for a specific result. Detailed muscle knowledge and precise marking of these muscles leads to predictable results and minimal side effects.



Documentation of your patient’s pre-existing condition, the exact sites injected and the results of any treatment provided are critical for proper patient care and evaluation as well as medical-legal reasons. Photography and the treatment record form are invaluable tools. The Roberts Facial Rejuvenation Photography series is taken at each appointment to record the pre-existing conditions and the changes that have occurred following each treatment.



Safe patient treatment and efficient delivery of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers requires proper office integration systems. This section of the course deals with the nitty gritty details of how to integrate botulinum toxin successfully into a medical or dental office.



In-depth knowledge of anatomy is paramount to understanding facial rejuvenation and cosmetic injectable treatments. In this section we will study the muscles of the face, their origins, insertions, innervation, arterial supply, functions, and how they relate to the 3-D tissue planes.



Building on tissue planes, we review the soft tissue relationship to the bony structures of the head & neck. A review of the sensory innervation in relation to these hard and soft tissue structures allows us a better understanding of the sensory input involved in bruxing, grinding, TMD, headache, migraine and myofascial pain. It will become clear how there is synergy between therapeutic and cosmetic treatment.



  1. Describe head & neck anatomy and how it relates to treatment planning for facial injectables.
  2. Describe the synergy between the therapeutic & the aesthetic applications of botulinum toxin.
  3. Identify the 7 PTIFA Injection Rules and the key clinical systems for effectively integrating facial injectable procedures.
  4. Identify the importance of detailed patient history taking and taking Roberts Facial Rejuvenation Photography™ series.



  • The Facial Aging Process
  • Treatments Available Today
  • Patient Evaluation & Treatment Sequence
  • Indication & Contra-Indications
  • Statistics & History
  • Pharmacology and Review of Muscle Physiology
  • Neurovascular System & Tissue Planes
  • Photography
  • Office Integration
  • An overview of all the actions of Botulinum toxin type A
  • Anatomy of Head & Neck
  • eAdvanced Anatomy
  • eSkull & eCadaver Labs


Format & CE/CME

Level 1 is an online self-directed course. Access to the course materials is granted for one year. A downloadable (PDF) syllabus is provided.
25 CE/CME credits are provided upon successful completion of the online exam.
Subtitles available in English, French and Spanish.

Level 1 – Advanced Anatomy Review & Intro to Botulinum Toxin & Dermal Filler


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